The Boll Weevil Bluegrass Band Performs “War Is Making Us Poor”
What is this? Techno hillbilly? It’s definitely unique. Bluegrass with an anti-war message. Boll Weevil takes the stage!

Exposing the fraud of endless wars and militarization.
What is this? Techno hillbilly? It’s definitely unique. Bluegrass with an anti-war message. Boll Weevil takes the stage!
The lovely and talented Sarah Shipley sings out against war in this country version of “War Is Making Us Poor”.
Rapper “Meggie” Megaton Taylor recorded this powerful, new anti-war song.
He’s a big guy with a big voice!
Before becoming the corrupt, tyrannical president of Ukraine, Vlodymyr Zelensky was a comedian. With no political experience, he was the perfect puppet to the West. Now people go hungry in America, so that this “joker” can destroy his country and put the world at risk for nuclear annihilation.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a man intimately familiar with all aspects of the military, called out the enormous waste of defense spending in his famous “Cross of Iron” speech, given in 1953. We should have been paying attention to his profound message.
They lied to us about Korea, Vietman, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria. Now they’re lying to us about Ukraine, Gaza, China. They lie to us and all of the money goes up in smoke. WAR IS MAKING IS POOR!
We can only understand what’s really going on with our economy if we have honest statistics. But most official government reporting is skewed, if not complete fantasy. The truth is our economy is in BIG TROUBLE. And its our insane military expenditures which block any serious attempts to fix the mess we’re in.
Why the endless wars? Follow the money. Billions and billions are being made on war. The US has bought military junk it doesn’t need, fought wars it didn’t need to fight. And the gravy train keeps running on time. Colossal piles of money go into the coffers of the defense industry and ultimately into the bank accounts of the wealthy. Everyday citizens pay for this. More and more they are struggling to survive and our once-great nation continues its steady decline into poverty and dysfunction.