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Every war the U.S. has fought since World War II was a war of choice. None of them were necessary. They represent a colossal waste of money and human lives. The U.S. has had no real adversary since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. Yet, over the last thirty-two years, it has spent over $17 trillion on its military, fighting conflicts it didn’t need to fight, buying military junk it didn’t need, building hundreds of bases around the world which only serve to create animosity and chaos. Now the U.S. government is over $34 trillion in debt. The American public likewise is awash in debt, to the tune of $18 trillion. The message of this book is simply this . . .
War is making us poor! War is destroying us as a people. War is bankrupting our country politically, spiritually, socially, and economically. Peace is not possible without ousting and replacing the power-drunk, empire-building, war-crazed lunatics now in control of our foreign policy and military institutions.
WAR IS MAKING US POOR! is not more analysis and whining. It offers specific things we can do to head off catastrophe — the end of America as a functioning nation — which is inevitable unless we as a country and society force a 180º change in our foreign and military policies.